The ARCLV has produced :
- Functional prototypes of mechanical drums:
- Large military drum from Folio 837r° of the Codex
- Drum from Folio 877r° of the Atlantic Codex
- Mechanical timpani from Folio 160r° of the Madrid
- Viola organist from Folio 76r° of the Codex Madrid II (prototype faithful to Leonardo's drawing but not functioning)
- Slit flutes from Folio 1106r° of the Codex Atlanticus (working instruments) WEBSITE
Made in 2019 by Giacomo Andreola, these flutes revolutionized the history of the recorder. By replacing the holes with one or two slits, Leonardo gives the musician the ability to move from one note to another continuously through the movement of the palms using the "glissando" technique as explained in his statement:
"These two flutes do not make the mutations of their voices by steps, but in the proper way of the human voice, do so by moving the hand up and down as in the twisted trumpet. I could do 1/8 and 1/16 voice and as much as you like. "
Questi due flauti non fanno le mutazioni delle loro voci a salti, ma nel modo proprio della voce umana,
fallo con il muovere la mano su e giù come nella tromba torta. Potrei fare 1/8 ed 1/16 di voce e tanto quanto a te piace.

Codex Atlantico foglio 1106r

Instrument Exhibition (October 2019, Arsenal, Sion)

"Homage to L. da Vinci" exhibition by Conservatory students (November 2019)